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Debbie Kanter Scholarship Fund

Debbie Kanter is a beloved educator who has been with Levey for over 30 years. She is a Levey role model and tremendous advocate—well known for her expertise, her thoughtfulness, and forward-looking approach. She has profoundly shaped the culture of the school, investing her time in our youngest students, who go on to become our rising stars! Debbie’s incredible kindness and selflessness have made her an amazing member in our community.


We are honored to name this important campaign after her.


A school tagline of ours, which guides our work and profoundly shapes our school community is, “You are welcome here.” Levey has long been committed to welcoming students of all backgrounds and means, and makes sure the cost of tuition is never a barrier. Our generous financial aid philosophy gives us the opportunity to bring all well-aligned families into our warm, welcoming, and values-driven community. Our scholarship policy allows us to consider the circumstances of each family applying for financial aid, and to award scholarships as needed. The priority we place on access and inclusion allows us to maintain a learning environment informed by generosity and Jewish values.


In order to grow and sustain this accessible community and educational environment, we are asking our partners, friends, and stakeholders to invest in our scholarship model— for our students, and for our future. Our goal is to raise $300,000 this calendar year in honor of Debbie's incredible service to all of her current and former students, and for her long-term commitment to Jewish education and this community.


This fund honoring Debbie Kanter will provide the foundation of our scholarship fund for years to come, and we hope you will join us as a lead supporter of our scholarship campaign. This investment in our children and our families will allow us to grow from strength to strength, and to be an anchor of Jewish life and education for the State of Maine. Debbie and all of her friends and colleagues at Levey thank you for your generosity.



VALEDICTORIAN: $126,000-$500,000

SALUTATORIAN: $75,000-$125,000

HIGH HONORS: $50,000-$74,000

HONORS: $25,000-$49,000

SENIOR: $10,000-$24,000

JUNIOR: $5,000-$9,000

SOPHOMORE: $1000-$4000

FRESHMAN: $100-$999


400 Deering Avenue, Portland, Maine 04103




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Levey Day School is committed to building a nurturing community that welcomes students of all backgrounds. At Levey, we respect and value every person as a unique individual, and attend to each child’s intellectual, emotional, and spiritual needs.  Levey Day School prepares its students for academic success and personal fulfillment by empowering them to ask questions, think independently, and collaborate effectively.

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